When looking into purchasing an Alarm System for your home, it is a good idea to not just look at rates and how much it will cost you up front, but think of the problems you may have later on. While the system they are installing at this time may be free or at a low cost, and brand new, you want to use it for at least three years, and in that time many things can happen to it.
Thus why we need to know what it will cost us to get service calls and repairs done to the equipment. Some companies have costly service calls and high prices for technical support at your home, so it’s very important to clear this with your sales rep at the time of getting the alarm system.
ADT Dealers for example, can offer you an Extended Warranty on the alarm system, as long as you are monitored by ADT and paying the monthly monitoring fee. This warranty covers all price on repairs and calls to your system for free, and in the long run, this may be very beneficial and help reduce the total cost of protecting your home, while also helping you keep your alarm system in top condition.
Other companies also offer this service, so be sure to ask about it, and how much it will cost, if it is not included in their basic rates.