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What’s the Deal with Smoke Alarms?

Ionization Smoke Alarms:

This type of smoke alarm uses a small amount of radioactive material that ionizes the air between two electrically charged plates, causing a measurable current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it changes the flow of current, which is detected and activates the alarm. Ionization alarms may be more prone to nuisance alarms caused by cooking activities.

Photoelectric Smoke Alarms:

This type of alarm uses a light source that is aimed away from a sensor in a sensing chamber. When smoke enters the chamber it reflects the light onto the sensor, which is detected and activates the alarm. Photoelectric alarms may be less prone to nuisance alarms caused by cooking activities.

Continue reading What’s the Deal with Smoke Alarms?

Alarm Systems

Burglar alarms have become standard equipment in stores and other businesses, and they’re becoming increasingly common in private homes as well. If you’ve ever shopped for a home security system, then you know there are a wide variety of options available. These systems range from do-it-yourself kits you can pick up for $10 to sophisticated whole-house security networks that must be installed by professionals. But, as it turns out, most alarm systems are actually built around the same basic design concepts. We’ll be looking into the basics behind home alarm systems in this post! Continue reading Alarm Systems

Fact Vs. Fiction

The portrayal of a burglar as a sinister thief operating at night, a handkerchief over his face, coat collar turned up and peaked cap on his head is misleading and inaccurate.

Statistics indicate that the thief will most probably be one of the male youths in the neighbourhood, usually under 30 and most likely a teenager. He may be well dressed, wearing a recognizable uniform or a suit jacket. It will more than likely be broad daylight. The typical burglar does not want to harm you, just get into your home, steal what is available and valuable, and get out as quickly as possible, unobserved.

Home Security

Why is everyone worried about Home Security? Why is it such an important topic? Our homes are meant to be a haven where we can relax and feel secure, a place to share with those we love and where we have what is important to us. That is why we want our homes to be secure. And this leads us to worry about intrusion, and home security.

This is a topic we find very interesting, and thus we’ve started this blog, in the hopes of covering various topics concerning our homes and keeping them safe.