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How to select the right Alarm Company

With public interest in protection against fire and crime at an all-time high, it is no surprise that the alarm field is one of the country’s fastest growing industries.

And while there are a good many experienced, reputable and reliable companies in almost every community, there are inevitably some people who are out to take [...]

What do you look for in a Home Security offer?

There’s plenty of Home Security dealers out in the net, and even offline. It becomes increasingly difficult to decide which offer is better, or which offer fits your need. This means you have to set yourself some guidelines beforehand in order to distinguish what it is you are looking for. So what is it that [...]

Alarm System Components – Part 3

Motion sensors detect any movement in areas covered by that particular device. Some detectors use microwave sensors to detect movement, others use infrared sensors.

How Microwave Sensors Work:

Microwave sensors bounce microwaves off of an object, then measure the frequency of the returning waves. If the particular object is moving, it will send back [...]

Alarm System Components – Part 2

Continuing with our series of Alarm System components, today we’ll touch upon another type of perimeter safety. Besides the typical door and window sensors, there is another type of protection you can add to windows in your home. These are known as glassbreak detectors (or sensors) that, just as their name suggests, senses when a [...]